Natural Remedies For Menopause and Self Nurture


Maryon Stewart Discusses Natural Remedies for Menopause and Looking After Oneself!​

I often wonder why so many of us feel it’s acceptable to consider everyone else and leave ourselves until last. It’s almost a common denominator amongst women in particular, but probably one of the best kept secrets because we are too busy to stop to share.

This is never more apparent then when women are in peri menopause or the menopause itself.

A high achiever I know freely confessed recently that she is bottom of the pile when it comes to priorities in her life. She is so focused on keeping all the balls in the air; making a difference to the world in her work life and being a great mum to her children at home, that she loses sight of the importance of looking after herself. There never seem to be enough hours in the day making it tough for her to make time to nurture herself.

Whilst it’s probably okay to travel in this way in times of emergency, in the longer term it simply doesn’t lead to a good place. I’ve been guilty of the same offence in my life on multiple occasions so fully understand the ease of falling into this mind set. In my own experience of leading a demanding life work life and having had four children, plus having heard thousands of similar stories from my patients over the years, I’ve come to realise that there is never a good outcome. Eventually our body makes us stop as we encounter one health disaster or another, and it’s only then that we concentrate on finding a way to dig ourselves out of the hole, hoping that it’s not too late.

It took several crises over time for me to really get the message that making time for me was a number one priority if I wanted to continue to be there to support others in a major way. I refused to listen to my body whispering at first, paying the penalty of getting struck down with all manner of lumps, bumps and abnormalities over the years which, each time, brought my world to a grinding halt.

Looking after ourselves is all part of the journey of loving yourself, especially when you’re experiencing the menopause and in need of natural treatments and remedies. Resting and taking time out for yourself will help to increase your chances of success in the working world. We don’t need to be working all the time in order to be successful. It might seem like a strange concept but investing time nurturing yourself so that you are rested, fit and relaxed, helps to fine tune your mind leaving you feeling refreshed and making you more likely to feel more productive and motivated in every setting.

As we are all different we each have things that make us feel good. In my case I love to exercise to great music or attend aqua fit classes. Yoga and meditation keep me feeling connected, toned and sharp. Regular massage helps to keep my body feeling loved and Mindfulness makes me feel grateful for each new day. I know I’m really indulging when I’m making time to be creative in the kitchen or sitting watching a good move with my knitting!

Although most of us know what to do to keep ourselves in a desirable zone, human nature makes it easy for us to make resolutions that we don’t necessary implement in the long term. Sometimes life simply gets in the way or we forget how important looking after our self actually is. If you need naturally remedies for menopause consider making an appointment for a consultation by coming to

Creating a self-nurturing schedule for the week ahead in your diary will increase the chances of you sticking to it. There is something immensely satisfying about writing it all down and ticking off your achievements one by one. So factor loving and nurturing yourself into your time-table, no matter how busy you are, just as you would log a meeting or make time to clean your teeth. Have the mind-set that it’s not negotiable and you will regularly reap dividends of increased wellbeing, productivity and happiness.

I recommend that you make a list of what makes your heart sing. What makes you feel good? What keeps you feeling loved? What keeps you feeling fit? What do you have to do to stay feeling healthy? And what does it take to leave you feeling rested?

Discover natural remedies for menopause and make this time of your life one of the best.

Work out how you can schedule at least some of that into your week and make yourself accountable, if necessary to your partner or a friend. This isn’t the dress rehearsal, its real life, and there is only now. Remember that you are in the driving seat during your journey and it’s up to you to choose how you paint your canvas.

Regularly nurturing myself makes me feel like a cat that got the cream. I feel grateful for each new day and very blessed to be me. My wish is that this becomes contagious and that all women have access to natural remedies for menopause.

(: )
Maryon Stewart gives consultations on natural remedies for menopause and menopause self help, in London, Brighton and Internationally via Skype and phone. Maryon is an expert author in the field of women’s health, columnist and presenter of the Really Useful Health Show.

By maryon stewart



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